Directed by Jake Walker
March-April 2012
“a multitude of excellent performances that will stick far longer than it takes to rinse stage blood out of the costumes.”
–David Burke, Quad-City Times
“…the production is shockingly effective at delivering the darkness of Shakespeare’s work. I walked away in awe.”
–Thom White, River Cities’ Reader
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(Photo Credits: John Turner)
In March of 2011, Prenzie Players embarked on a devilishly bloody adventure to stage one of Shakespeare’s most infamous works: Titus Andronicus. Filled with murder, rape, revenge (and a little cannibalism), the show presented a number of unique challenges that thrilled audiences for a nearly sold-out run.

Loyalty, madness, violence…revenge. Set in a tumultuous period in the Roman Empire, Titus Andronicus is Shakespeare’s bloodiest play. Battle hardened Roman general Titus is set against Tamora, the wily queen of Goths in a deadly game of vengeance. Titus is blind to his greatest foe, Aaron the Moor who twists the events of the story to his own sadistic will. As the worlds of Titus and Tamora unravel in a hideous fashion, one simple truth remains in this rarely performed work: violence and revenge only begets more violence and revenge.
Additional Media Coverage
Local WVIK host Bruce Carter invited director Jake Walker and cast members Catie Osborn and Aaron Sullivan to speak on his show, “Art Talks.” The archive link for that specific show is no longer available.
The Quad-City Times ran a fantastic article on director Jake Walker’s unique vision for the show (and printed a plot summary here). Note also the preview article in the Dispatch-Argus (Jonathan Turner).
Cast member Catie Osborn (who played Lavinia) also blogged about her experiences: A place to start might be this post, written during the rehearsal process.

(in order of appearance)
Cara DeMarlie
Young Lucius, son to Lucius
An anonymous Goth
Bryan Woods
Lucius, son to Titus
Aaron E. Sullivan
Titus Andronicus, general of the Roman Army
Andy Lord
Martius, son to Titus
Publius, son to Marcia
A Goth captain
Bobby Duncalf
Mutius, son to Titus
Aemelius, a noble Roman
Valentine, kinsman to Titus
Bri Kinney
Quintus, son to Titus
An anonymous Nurse
Sempronius, kinsman to Titus
An anonymous Goth
Jessica White
Tamora, Queen of Goths
Jeb Makula
Chiron, son to Tamora
Andy Koski
Demetrius, son to Tamora
Cole McFarren
Alarbus, son to Tamora
Bassianus, son to the late Emperor of Rome
An anonymous Clown
An anonymous Goth
David Cabassa
Aaron, a Moor
Maggie Woolley
Saturninus, eldest son to the late Roman Emperor
Angela Rathman
Marcia Andronicus, sister to Titus
Nikki Steinbaugh
Cornelia, a midwife
Caius, Kinsman to Titus
An anonymous Goth
And Introducing
Catie Osborn as
Lavinia, Daughter to Titus, Betrothed to Bassianus
Production Staff
Director: Jake Walker and THE CAST
Assistant Director: Stephanie Burrough
Stage Manager: Nikki Steinbaugh
Costume Master: Kate Farence
Fight Master: Denise Yoder
Gore Master: Alaina Pascarella
Production Master: Matt Moody
Lighting Master: Catie Osborn
Text Consultant: J.C. Luxton
Production Crew: David Cabassa, Bobby Duncalf, Kate Farence, Andy Koski, Andy Lord, Jeb Makula, Cole McFarren, Matt Moody, Angela Rathman, Catie Osborn, Alaina Pascarella, Nikki Steinbaugh, Byron Walker, Jake Walker, Denise Yoder
Special Thanks
Christine, Jeff, and Patrick Adamson
Jaime Aguilera
Mary Chappel
Augustana College Track
Establishment Theater
Pat Lynch
Kay Quigg
Mama Compton’s
Matt Stern
Michael Woods