By Edmund Rostand
Translated and Adapted by Anthony Burgess
Directed by Aaron Sullivan
“Skaggs left me wondering if any other actor could portray Cyrano quite as well.”
–Thom White, River Cities’ Reader
“…the Prenzies fully stake their claim of bringing 21st-century intensity and fun to classic works.”
–David Burke, Quad-City Times
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For more information, see also this preview article from the Dispatch-Argus (Jonathan Turner).
Jarrod DeRooi
Citizen / Musketeer
Kim Gackle
Duenna / Sister Martha
Scot Gehret
1st Marquis / Renaudot
Sam Gruette
Pickpocket / 4th Cadet / Capuchin / Nun
Erin Kleiber
Jodelet / Bertrandou / Nun
Jeb Makula
Montfleury / 2nd Cadet
Jeremy Mahr
Bellerose / 5th Cadet
Molly McLaughlin
Ligniere / 1st Cadet / Nun
Sarah Murphy
Foodseller / 6th Cadet / Mother Marguerite
Adam Overberg
Alaina Pascarella
2nd Marquis / Lise / Sister Claire
Tracy Skaggs
John R. Turner
Jake Walker
Le Bret
Maggie Woolley
Paul Workman
Valvert / 3rd Cadet
And introducing
Mike Schultz as
The Compte de Guiche
Production Staff
Director: Aaron E. Sullivan & THE CAST
Assistant Director: Denise Yoder
Stage Manager: Brianne Kinney
Fight Master: Mike King
Ensemble Master: Andy Koski
Producers: JC Luxton and Cait Bodenbender
Production Coordinators: Beth Woolley and Andy Lord
Props Mistress: Brianne Kinney
Costume Design: Aaron Sullivan, Cait Bodenbender, Catie Osborn, Kate Farence
Costume Construction: Catie Osborn, Kate Farence
Lighting Design: Cait Bodenbender and Jen Kingry
Lighting Master: Jen Kingry
Foley Artists: Jarrod DeRooi and Scot Gehret
Makeup and Design: Alaina Pascarella
Theater / Scenic Design: Aaron Sullivan, Cait Bodenbender
Production Crew: The Cast, The Production Team, Stephanie Moeller and Josef Bodenbender
Marketing Director: Denise Yoder
Poster Design: Jeff DeLeon
Program Design: Kristin and Tracy Skaggs
Special Thanks
The Curtainbox Theatre Company
Ruth Ann Hunter
Carole Keenan
Andy Koski
Playcrafters Barn Theatre
Richmond Hill Players
Eddie Staver
Sandra Turner
Jake Walker
Denise Yoder
Sharon Yoder