Directed by Cait Bodenbender
October 2008
“Aaron Sullivan… is devastatingly intimidating and menacing without making a big deal of it”
–Mike Schulz, River Cities’ Reader
“…makes Shakespeare relevant today.”
–Stephanie de Pasquale, Quad-City Times
Photo Gallery on Flickr
Prenzie Players
Andy Koski
Antonio, a merchant of Venice
Stephanie Moeller
Salarina, friend to Antonio
Anne Javaherian
Solania, friend to Antonio
J. C. Luxton
Bassanio, suitor to Portia
Matt Moody
Gratiano, friend to Antonio
Andy Lord
Lorenzo, servant to Bassanio
Maggie Woolley
Portia, rich heiress of Belmont
Jaci Entwisle
Nerissa, lady in waiting to Portia
Angela Rathman
Julia, secretary to Portia
Guenevere Gobbo, a servant to Shylock
Aaron Sullivan
Shylock, a rich Jew and moneylender
James Palagi
Prince of Morocco, suitor to Portia
Balthazar, servant to Portia
Duke of Venice
Anthony Anderson
Old Gobbo, father to Guenevere
Prince of Arragon, suitor to Portia
Tubal, a Jew
Stephano, servant to Portia
Beth Woolley
Jessica, daughter to Shylock
Direction: Cait Bodenbender
Assistant Direction: Jeremy Mahr & THE CAST
Costume Master: Anne Javaherian
Lighting Master: Jaci Entwisle
Production Master: Cait Bodenbender
Music Master: Karl Bodenbender
Publicity Master: Denise Yoder
Graphics Crew: Jeff DeLeon, Terry & Tracy Skaggs
Technical Director: Jaci Entwisle